Way to go Jim. Yesterday we climbed Capitol his fifty seven fourteeners. One more to go. Jim now age 65 started 8 years ago to tackled all the fourteeners. Jim hiked and climbed the easiest fourteeners with friends and hire a guide for the more challenging one. We climbed together Pyramid after the rain turn us back from Maroon peak. He return to climb Maroon Bells with Pete earlier this season and yesterday together Capitol. we had a great two days hiking early afternoon to Capitol lake, setting camp and enjoying a leisurely time, we pack in early and go up early, left camp at 3:00 am so to reach K2 for sunrise. After a great photo session we went on to cross the knife edge ridge and summit. The forecast predicted some showers starting at noon so we had plenty of time, we descended crossing few team. back at camp by noon and trailhead at 3:30 pm. a great, successful outing. Thanks Jim and see you soon.