Welcome to Adventures to the Edge by Swiss Mountain Guide Jean Pavillard.
A professional mountain guide (IFMGA certified), Swiss ski instructor. I am dedicated to sharing my knowledge, experience and expertise with you, while enjoying adventure in the mountain. I specialize in custom trips around the world.
Over the years i have climbed on all seven continents, guided the seven summits, trek and ski many mountain ranges. After 35 years of guiding i am still enthusiast about sharing adventures, new or known.
I worked with an exceptional group of professional mountain guides worldwide and this network allow mw to organise almost any type of adventures.
I am planing the upcoming summer season and I have many tours in the plan.
June: Trekking around the Annapurna and climbing Chulu West
July: Back in the Alps for some great alpine ascent like the Matterhorn
August: Trekking across the Alps is in the works
September: Trekking and climbing Kilimanjaro
Please take time to review the many alpine climbs, treks and expeditions that I offer and let’s talk about your next adventure. I will be glad to design a custom tours for you, your group or family. Just contact me and let me know what i can do!
Contact me

Aconcagua expedition February 2015:
Join us for this great expedition on the roof of the America’s. Aconcagua. 6,963m.
A fantastic opportunity to climb one of the seven summits. This 20 days expedition will really prepare you for many years of exploring the world of high altitude.

Kilimanjaro trek & climb 2014 / 2015:
Join one of our trek and climb to Kilimanjaro. This is a great adventure to share with friends and family. Nothing technical but many great souvenirs to share.
Combine the trek with a safari, for an adventure that you will never forget, you will love it!
Trekking across the Alps:

Born in Switzerland I can only recommend this awesome way to visit my country. The views, the smell, the wildlife and cozy mountain huts and alpine lodges makes this trip memorable. I know all the valley and secret spots.
I can organize a standard trek or design a special one just for you, contact me to setup your adventure.
Contact me
For all informations do not hesitate to contact me directly at jean@swissmountainguide.com
or by phone (please leave a message)
Tel USA: 1-970-209-3980
Tel Switzerland: +41 / 79-399-82-61
Thank you for your time and see you very soon. Jean